
Factors associated with increased body mass index and its impact on health related quality of life of pre obese and obese subjects

Introduction: Being overweight or obese has become a major global health problem. The impact of excess weight on physical, psychological and social wellbeing is increasingly acknowledged. The main aim of the study was to evaluate the factors associated with the increased body mass index and its impact on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of pre-obese and obese subjects.


Background: - Job satisfaction is a complex function of a number of  variables. A person may be satisfied with one or more aspects of his/her job but at the same time may be unhappy with other things related to the job. Objectives: - The aim of the study was to find out the determinants of job satisfaction of physical therapist and to clarify that the professional specific scale which is used (speak man scale) is predicting the same which the general job satisfaction questionnaire measures.