Public Administration

Activities of NGOs in Bangladesh: A Critical Analysis

The roles of NGOs (Non-Government Organizations) in Bangladesh are very important. With the Government initiatives, NGOs play vital role to achieve overall social development of the country. As a development practitioner, it is essential to know about NGOs and its activities. The main objective of the study is to see the activities performed by NGOs in Bangladesh, challenges faced by them and criticism against NGOs in Bangladesh. There are two opinions regarding NGOs activities in Bangladesh e.g.

Digital India: the move towards E-Government Transformation

The governments around the globe are rapidly transforming to establish themselves as E-Governments. The Government of India is also moving towards E-government transformation. Digital India initiative of the government is an umbrella program which not only facilitates e-government transformation but also focuses on transforming the lives of citizens and inclusive development.

Comparative study of Local Self-Governance: In relation to Vikramankdev Charit

The Local governance that prevailed during the Ancient period of India at British reign has been precisely ascertained & laid out in this very comparative study defining the epic freedom movement of India– the phase post-1947 and the Kashmir in relation with Vikramang Dev Charit.
The study clearly and unambiguously defines the essence of local governance regarding the unification and complete development of the stages and has always been in existence with some moderate revisions in accordance with the changing scenarios.