Body Weight-Carapace Length And Body Weight-Carapace Width Relationships Of Blue Swimming Crab (Portunus Pelagicus, Linnaeus, 1758) From Phuket Province, Thailand.

The blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus) is an important commercial species in Phuket Province, Thailand but it is difficult to handle these spiny crabs to measure their carapace length and width directly. On the other hand it is easy to measure their weight only as much handling is not needed in this case. The aim of this study was to make correlations between body wet weight and carapace length, as well as body wet weight and carapace width of blue swimming crabs from Andaman Sea, Phuket Province.

Exploring Multi-Dimensions Of Bookkeeping & Accounting

It is universally accepted that the most basic form of accounting lies in the single answer to the question "what does it cost?" A more elaborate approach, leading to that figure, is to itemize in a list the costs which total to that single budget figure. The great historical innovation in ensuring control over financial accounts was the shift to double entry bookkeeping, subsequently taking the form of the spreadsheets that are basic to the project and program management of any modern institution. Spreadsheets facilities have of course been embodied into spreadsheet software.

An Insight Into Important Aspects Of Crm In SSI Units: Empirical Case Study Of Nanded District

Relationship marketing nowadays has emerged as the core marketing activity for businesses whether small or big which are operating in fiercely competitive environments. On average, businesses spend six times more to acquire customers than they do to keep them. Therefore, many firms are now paying more attention to their relationships with existing customers to retain them and increase their share of customer’s purchases. The world has come full circle from selling to marketing and from seller`s Market to Buyer`s Market.

Amalgamation of RRBs-Is it beneficial?

The creation of regional rural banks (RRBs) in 1975 to cater exclusively to the credit needs of rural poor like small and marginal farmers, rural artisans and agricultural laborers was one such initiative

A Study On Consumer Satisfaction And Choice Of Super Markets In Gujarat State

Service quality is considered a critical determinant of competitiveness. Quality in a service is a measure of the extent to which a delivered service meets the customer’s expectations. The main objective of the study is to determine the average level of satisfaction regarding service quality of super markets in Gujarat State. Purposive sampling method is used to collect data. 400 respondents visiting Big Bazaar, D-Mart, Pick-N-Pay, Star Bazaar and Vishal mega-mart in Gujarat were taken to study their perception and selection of Super Markets in Gujarat State.

A Study On Stress Management Among The Employees Of Urban Co-Operative Banks In Surat City

Urban co-operative banking, like other services, has become one of the highly competitive sectors in India and Surat also. The Urban co-operative banking organizations, since the beginning of this decade, have been facing greater challenges in terms of technological revolution, service diversification and global banking. Stress is unavoidable on the part of the employees as the systems, procedures; techniques are getting complicated with the use of advance technology. Every employee cannot cope with such rapid changes taking place in the jobs.