The Concepts of Human Rights in the Vedas

Mr. Jasvant V. Rathod

Assistant Professor,

Department of English,

Laxmi Institute of Technology, Sarigam




Many Western scholars with their colonial and missionary ambitions claim that the concept of human rights is a Western concept but they are not absolutely right. It is also a fact that all human right principles have not western roots. These intellectuals have not taken into account the full development that took place prior to the Renaissance and colonial period. The universality of human rights is based on the universal values prevalent in all the major civilizations of the world. Indian culture is great not only because it has a richness of thoughts but it has evolved from time to time some great notions of human rights and duties. Its greatness lies in its great philosophies and scriptural texts which teach a human being to be good and do well. With a view to examine the roots of modern human rights in the Vedas, this paper deals with some of the Vedic concepts which orders and suggests human beings certain rights and responsibilities. It explores the greatness of our Vedas which centre on the development of humanity in the world. Though securing rights and fighting to protect them are not mentioned explicitly the Vedic literature of India, Hinduism is not inimical to human rights. Particularly, the revolt to secure rights is Western phenomena.
