Today, we find an increasing number of women in various professions, including the so-called male-dominated professions like Engineering, Management, Finance, Police, Defense and so on. However, very few reach the highest ranks in the professions. ‘Higher the fewer’ appropriately describes the position of women in professions. The graph of their professional development and advancement is far from satisfactory. This is due to socio-cultural, psychological and professional barriers which they face. Several studies have pointed out the under-achievement of professional women. Most of these studies have focused on the socio-cultural and psychological barriers hindering their professional development but not much attention has been paid to the barriers inbuilt in the very structures, organizations and professional ethos of the professions which even today remain male-oriented. As a result, they fail to accommodate and integrate the women professionals easily. This male-orientation of the professions also hinders their professional development and advancement. This paper aims at throwing light on the specific barriers, which arise out of the structuring, organization and ethos of the professions. The paper suggests engendering of the professions as a solution to this and offers some measures as to how this can be achieved.