
A Study of Effectiveness of the In-service Training Programmes conducted for the Primary School Teachers

The aim of the present paper was to study the effectiveness of the in-service training programmes conducted by the SSA for the primary school teachers. For the present study stratified random sampling method was used to arrive at the required number of the samples. Regarding the effectiveness of the in-service training programmes conducted by SSA, Vadodara, it can be concluded that most of the primary school teachers were of the view that training programmes were useful for them and they were wished to take part in future in-service training programmes.

An experimental research in Science subject teaching through Concept Attainment Model

The present study aims to investigate the effectiveness of Concept Attainment Model on the achievement of students in scienceĀ  at 5th class. For this purpose a sample of 173 students were drawn from std 5th class from rural and urban area of Ankleshwar and labeled as experimental group and controlled group. First of all intelligence test was taken, then Concept Attainment Models were prepared and implemented after pre-testing on experimental group. Controlled group was taught by traditional method.

Effectiveness of Inquiry Training Model in the Teaching of the Subject Social Science

Teaching a subject like social science needs special teaching method. Therefore there is a need to study the effectiveness of the teaching method in social science. This study is based on effectiveness of Inquiry Training Model in the teaching of the Subject social science. For this study a sample of 156 students were drawn from std 8th class from rural and urban area of Ankleshwar and labeled as experimental group and controlled group. First of all intelligence test was taken, then Inqiury Training Models were prepared and implemented after pre-testing on experimental group.

A Study of the Effectiveness of teaching Mathematics through Music and Visual Music to the students of Standard - VII

Mathematics has always been one of the most important subjects in education as well as human life since ages. It has been considered important as it has great impact on human life. Many other subjects are linked with Mathematics in one or another way. In spite of its importance, for many students, it is a subject which is found difficult to learn though taught in different ways. With the development of Science and Technology, many more innovations have been taking place in the field of education.