
Regaining Missed Opportunities: The Role Of Agriculture Post-Separation Development In Sudan

Agricultural sector is play a vital role in the Sudan economy and is considered to be the backbone of industrial development in the country. Sudan lost both south Sudan and oil revenues, the poverty increased among Sudanese. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to examine the role of agriculture in post-separation development in Sudan. However, it missed opportunities on a number of occasions due to inappropriate economic policies, continues recent region conflicts. The key massage from the studies examined in this paper is that agricultural sector in Sudan still face many challenges.

Status of Migrant Construction Workers - A Case Study of Surat City

Since independence, India has witnessed of rapid urbanization, the pace of urbanization is not only due to the natural increase in population growth, but it has been mainly caused by the heavy influx of rural migrant in urban areas (Ganguly, 2009; Ledent 1982), especially in the large sided cities. The high rate of migration in the urban areas in India is due to the availability of higher employment opportunity. One of the most important sector which leads to high migration in urban area is construction sector.  The present study focuses on the migrant construction workers in Surat city.

Base Line Survey For Socio-Economic Impact Assessment (A Village Level Case Study)

The Base Line Surveys are an important research tool as it provides us the mechanism of collecting valuable primary data. Keeping it in view, a baseline socio-economic survey was conducted in Bajrer village of Himachal Pradesh. For obtaining the information a detailed interview schedule was prepared which mainly consisted of: demographic features, land inventory, cropping pattern, labour use in production, sources of income and expenditure pattern of households, sources of information, environmental issues, health issues and various other socio-economic indicators.


This paper examines empirically causal relationship between real gross domestic product (GDP) and real gross domestic saving (GDS) for India. The controversy surrounding the direction of causality between saving and economic growth is motivated in this study. The researcher has employed the Granger-causality techniques to analyze the causal relationship between saving and economic growth in India during the period 1951- 2011. The granger causality test reveals that there is no evidence of causality in any direction between per capita GDP and per capital saving.