Effectiveness Of Multi-mediated Stories For Developing Language Skills In English

Riddhi Desai

Assistant Professor,

Shri Mahavir Vidyamandir Trust B.Ed. College,Surat.

Mobile No. : 09624316566

E-MAIL: riddhs85@gmail.com


In the field of language teaching, educators have to struggle hard to find way to make language learning enjoyable for the learners. Different activities, games and fascinating stories have helped language teachers to accomplish this aim through many years and nowadays ‘CALL’ (Computer Assisted Language Learning – use of computers specifically for the purpose of learning language) – is in the air in language learning. By reviewing related past studies and literature and considering the importance of multimedia, the investigator carried out her investigation on “Effectiveness of Multi-mediated Stories for Developing Language Skills in English.The investigator had carried out this investigation by taking some objectives like: to find out the effectiveness of multimediated stories for cumulative development of speaking, reading and writing skills in English language for the students of Standard -IX of Gujarati medium schools of Surat city, To know the opinions of the students regarding the effectiveness of multi-mediated stories in developing language skills in English. Sample of 60 students were selected and distributed in groups by stratified random assignment method. As a tool for this investigation, readymade multi-mediated animal stories -Aarti’s favourite tales were selected. At the end of the study, the investigator had found results like: the experimental and replication groups have shown better performance over the control group on sub criterion tests as well as on main criterion test, Multi-mediated stories can be used for teaching language skills in English irrespective of gender of the students and level of IQ of students.
