Effectiveness Of Tasks In Developing Scientific Attitude Using Scientific Method

Ms. Dipali Gandhi

Waymade College of Education, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat, India.

Contact No.: 09724334858

Email: dip_star74@yahoo.co.in

Dr. Shamsha Emanuel

Waymade College of Education, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat, India.

Contact No.: 09979955598

Email: cshamsha@gmail.com


Attitude is nothing but liking or disliking towards living and non-living creatures. Every individual has to look towards the things, matter, phenomena with different perspectives. The liking or disliking of an individual depends upon their attitude. It is the mental predispositions towards people, objects, subjects, events, and so on. Having faith in superstitions, beliefs can be an obstruction to our progress .The present study focuses on to develop scientific attitude of the student teachers using scientific method. For the present study a set of tasks were developed with an objective of developing scientific attitude among student teachers using scientific method. The design of the study was pre-experimental one group pre-test and post-test design. Convenient sampling technique was used. The sample comprised of 35 student teachers. The tools used to collect data were achievement tests namely pre-test and post-test based on scientific attitude and feedback questionnaire. The data was analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively using t- test and content analysis. The major finding of the study shows that the tasks like pictures, situations, problems, tasks, critical thinking activities, scientific problem solving cum logic tasks, etc .helped student teachers to develop scientific attitude using scientific method
