A Study Of Evaluation Of Teaching Competencies Of Teacher Trainees During Test Lessons

Payal Bhatia

Assistant Professor,

I. J. M.Ed. Course, Mogri, ANAND

(M) 9913561148, E-mail: payalbht@yahoo.co.in


Practice teaching aims at placing the trainees in a position where they learn to use their theoretical knowledge effectively and in a confident manner, for communicating the contents of his subject in classroom situation as well as in curricular activities, in and outside the classroom situation. Practice teaching also provides the best situation for assessing the mastery of knowledge and skills required of an effective teacher. Teacher Competency is knowledge, attitude, skills and self perceptions of the products that derive from the mix of these behaviours resulting in constant patterns of behaviour leading to the attainment of predicted outcomes.

Economics is an essential part of social studies. It has a very close relationship with social sciences. It has a deep relationship with the practical aspect of human life.

Opinion of Tubewell in Importance of Economics in the curriculum indicates that in case of developing countries it is only a premature flowering of economics which is responsible for its separation from practical life. It is essential to study what goes on in the classroom and how they are related with achieving the objectives. The effectiveness of the teachers counts a great deal in translating objectives into learning outcomes in the pupils. As such teacher’s teaching competency plays a vital role in the entire teaching-learning process.
