
Prominence of Brand Posts on Brand Fan Pages: An Examination of the Impacts of Web-based Entertainment Advertising

Brand posts on brand admirer pages are a vital tool for promoting and engaging with the brand's target audience. Virtual entertainment stages are an incredible method for building associations with your customer.  Making brand admirer pages on long range informal communication is the most important technique for taking feedback from the viewers. 

A Study on Employee Productivity of Selected Public and Private Sector Banks in India

Banks are a mirror of an economy. Better functioning of the banking sector leads to the overall improvement of the economy. The financial performance of the selected banks is measured from employee productivity point of viewBanks, just like any other firm, need to transform inputs into outputs at an efficient rate in order to maximize profitability and survive under competitive conditions.

Productivity Analysis of Commercial Banks in India: A Comparative Study of Selected Public and Private Sector Banks

Performance of the banking sector is an effective measure and indicator to check the performance of any economy to a large extent. Better functioning of banking sector may lead to the overall improvement of the economy. Present study is an attempt to appraise the productivity of selected public and private sector banks on the basis of two ratios Business per Employee and Profit per Employee. The study depicts the productivity of selected banks and groups of Indian banking sector during last 10 years from 2005-06 to 2014-15.


This paper examines profitability of acquiring company in the pre-merger and post-merger period. The selected company is Bharti Airtel Ltd. which took over Zain Africa BV. in July, 2010. Various profitability ratios are computed and statistical t-test is done for evaluation of profitability of Bharti Airtel Ltd. The results reveal no significant difference on profitability due to merger. Merger has not resulted into improving profitability of the acquiring company.

Some Aspects of Infant and Child Mortality in few States

The rate of infant and child mortality is very high among the people of India particularly those living in rural areas. This paper examines levels, trends and socio-demographic factors associated with infant and child mortality among few states. The government of India has conducted the fourth National Family Health Survey (NFHS 4) in 2015 and some partial results from a few states are now available. It is a similar type of countrywide surveys which was conducted in 1992 (NFHS 1), 1998 (NFHS 2), 2005 (NFHS 3).


The Indian mobile telecommunications market has been growing at a very fast pace. Over the years, young consumer’s demand has become even more mature and   sophisticated. By doing an empirical study, this thesis provides a snapshot of the Indian youth market for mobile phones. The research work focuses on the usage of mobile phones by students in three commerce colleges of  Surat. Primary data is used for the study. It was collected with the help of pre-structured questionnaire. Statistical techniques like Weighted Average Score and Likert scale was used to analyze the data.


Creativity is the ability to develop new ideas and to discover new ways of looking at problems and opportunities.

Innovation is the ability to apply creative solutions to problems and opportunities to enhance or to enrich people’s life.

Harvard’s Theodore Levitt says that “creativity is the thinking new things, and innovation is doing new things.” Entrepreneurs become successful by thinking and doing new things or old things in new ways.

Study Of CSR Disclosure Practices By Blue Chip Companies In India Before And After Issuance Of 'Corporate Social Responsibility Voluntary Guidelines 2009' By Government Of India

Philanthropy and service to society are as old as Indian culture. The modern concept of CSR, in post industrialized world has evolved from philanthropy to part of strategic planning for sustainable development. In order to encourage Indian corporate to report on CSR issue, Government of India issued ‘CSR Voluntary Guidelines 2009’ in December 2009 to be effective from financial year 2009-10.

A Comparative Study Of Corporate Governance In Asia

Corporate Governance is the system of structural, procedural and cultural safeguards designed to ensure that a company is run in the long-term interests of its shareholders, as well as, other stakeholders. The Asian financial crisis of 1997-99, and the more recent corporate scandals have illustrated the importance of effective Corporate Governance systems and the linkage to business ethics throughout the world.  This study was undertaken to know whether the Asian countries follow Corporate Governance practices.