teacher trainees


“A well-educated mind will always have more questions than answers.” - Helen Keller

B.Ed. Students Opinion about Difficulty in Planning and Practice of Microteaching Skills

The main aim of the present study is to find out which Microteaching skill is more difficult for planning and practice and association between difficulty in planning and practice of specific Microteaching skill and pedagogy of B.Ed. students. It was Descriptive method. The study was carried out on 33 B.Ed. students, studying in one of the B.Ed. college of Bangalore city. Personal Information Schedule and structured opinionnaire were used to collect data. Percentage analysis and Chi-Square statistical technique were employed.

Effectiveness of Educational Programme to Alleviate Stress among B.Ed. Trainees

The modern world, which is said to be a world of achievement, is also a world of stress. Advancement of science and technology has made access to information very easy. Research in science and technology provides new information everyday. This explosion of information and knowledge in the modern age has increased the stress level. Due to such reason, today we see the field of education has become a challenge for everyone. In the field of education, no factor is more important than the psychological factor of personality.  


The present study was conducted to investigate the attitude of teacher trainees towards modernization of teacher trainees . A sample of 99 teacher trainees was selected from Bavisgam B.Ed. College of Anand district using cluster sampling method. Among them 37 were boys and 62 girls were selected. The researcher has used MAI (Modernization Attitude Inventory) developed by Dr. M.T. Patel under a project of UGC. It is a 91 item Likert instrument consisting of eight sub scales. The data were analyzed using t-test.

A Study of Factors related to Stress during Teacher Training

The purpose of the present study was to identify the factors related to stress among teacher trainees. 35 teacher trainees, 35 parents of  teacher trainees’ and 16 teacher educators were involved as the respondents. The predetermined factors were physical, psychological, educational, environmental & socio cultural. The instrument used for data collection was  researcher made open ended questionnaire. The researcher used rating scale for selection of suitable/appropriate medium to alleviate stress among teacher trainees.