Business, Management and Accounting

Prominence of Brand Posts on Brand Fan Pages: An Examination of the Impacts of Web-based Entertainment Advertising

Brand posts on brand admirer pages are a vital tool for promoting and engaging with the brand's target audience. Virtual entertainment stages are an incredible method for building associations with your customer.  Making brand admirer pages on long range informal communication is the most important technique for taking feedback from the viewers. 

A Study on Employee Productivity of Selected Public and Private Sector Banks in India

Banks are a mirror of an economy. Better functioning of the banking sector leads to the overall improvement of the economy. The financial performance of the selected banks is measured from employee productivity point of viewBanks, just like any other firm, need to transform inputs into outputs at an efficient rate in order to maximize profitability and survive under competitive conditions.

Understanding Customer behaviour in E-tailing - A Study of Nanded City

E-retailing or E-tailing means buying or selling of products or services through electronic means such as internet, mobiles etc. Electronic retailing or e-tailing can include business-to-business and business-to-consumer sales. E-tailing revenue can come from the sale of products and services, through subscriptions to website content, or through advertising. The decision of demonetization taken by the Narendra Modi government has increased the use of online payments which will definitely increase the turnover in E-retailing.

Pledging of Shares and its impact on Stocks

In global market, almost many of the companies are doing the pledging as collateral of their equity shares. There is a huge impact on stock prices if the pledging has been done by promoters’. Again, at the same time the proportion of pledging of shares does affect the stock price. The present article intends to discuss and analyze the impact of pledging of shares on stock prices.

Lead lag relation of world stock market and Indian stock market

It is said worldwide that “a stock market is a barometer of economy “. It is true with theoretical term. It means that stock market will perform only if that country’s economy is progressing. But sometime this statement doesn’t go with pace. Some country‘s stock market run abruptly though their economy was not performing. While some country’s stock Market not performed yet their economy goes excellent. This study will reveal where Indian market is in terms of market capitalization, volume on stock exchange and number of company listed on stock exchange.

Productivity Analysis of Commercial Banks in India: A Comparative Study of Selected Public and Private Sector Banks

Performance of the banking sector is an effective measure and indicator to check the performance of any economy to a large extent. Better functioning of banking sector may lead to the overall improvement of the economy. Present study is an attempt to appraise the productivity of selected public and private sector banks on the basis of two ratios Business per Employee and Profit per Employee. The study depicts the productivity of selected banks and groups of Indian banking sector during last 10 years from 2005-06 to 2014-15.


This paper examines profitability of acquiring company in the pre-merger and post-merger period. The selected company is Bharti Airtel Ltd. which took over Zain Africa BV. in July, 2010. Various profitability ratios are computed and statistical t-test is done for evaluation of profitability of Bharti Airtel Ltd. The results reveal no significant difference on profitability due to merger. Merger has not resulted into improving profitability of the acquiring company.

Some Aspects of Infant and Child Mortality in few States

The rate of infant and child mortality is very high among the people of India particularly those living in rural areas. This paper examines levels, trends and socio-demographic factors associated with infant and child mortality among few states. The government of India has conducted the fourth National Family Health Survey (NFHS 4) in 2015 and some partial results from a few states are now available. It is a similar type of countrywide surveys which was conducted in 1992 (NFHS 1), 1998 (NFHS 2), 2005 (NFHS 3).

Enhancing the Capacity of the unbanked (under banked) to consume financial services

Access to safe, easy and affordable credit and other financial services by the unbanked and vulnerable groups, disadvantaged areas and lagging sectors is recognized as a pre-condition for accelerating growth and reducing income disparities and poverty. Access to a well-functioning financial system, by creating equal opportunities, enables economically and socially excluded people to integrate better into the economy and actively contribute to development and protects them against economic shocks.