Ms. Barrett Browning poured out as bashful and zealous redefined as intellectual, emotional and poetical: drawn from selected sonnets in The Sonnets from Portuguese.

Nothing is stagnant or lost in the universe but keeps transcending levels that may be historical, chemical or physical to final psychological trance. And the most poignant of all is feelings with very abstract origin: strives, elevates and transcends. The seeker and the thinker perspectives vary due to wide contexts. When with the glasses of background; aspect acts as veil out of emotions curtailed deep and aimed shallow and null.

Activities of NGOs in Bangladesh: A Critical Analysis

The roles of NGOs (Non-Government Organizations) in Bangladesh are very important. With the Government initiatives, NGOs play vital role to achieve overall social development of the country. As a development practitioner, it is essential to know about NGOs and its activities. The main objective of the study is to see the activities performed by NGOs in Bangladesh, challenges faced by them and criticism against NGOs in Bangladesh. There are two opinions regarding NGOs activities in Bangladesh e.g.

Sustainable Development: A Way Forward to Good Governance

The governing mechanisms which is being followed till date couldn’t succeed in reducing the polluting contents from the environment resulting into increase of global warming and depleting of environmental resources. The existing governing mechanisms need to be re-evaluated towards implementing proper and effective public health management for making the environment more sustainable.

A study of Secondary School Teacher’s Attitude towards TAT

The major objectives of the present study were to explore the secondary school teacher’s attitude towards TAT and to know the attitudinal differences of gender, marital status, type of secondary school on TAT exam. Total 72 secondary school teachers are selected for the purposive sampling technique method. For the collection data researcher use self developed attitude scale. percentage and χ2 (chi-square) were founded for data analysis for collected information.

B.Ed. Students Opinion about Difficulty in Planning and Practice of Microteaching Skills

The main aim of the present study is to find out which Microteaching skill is more difficult for planning and practice and association between difficulty in planning and practice of specific Microteaching skill and pedagogy of B.Ed. students. It was Descriptive method. The study was carried out on 33 B.Ed. students, studying in one of the B.Ed. college of Bangalore city. Personal Information Schedule and structured opinionnaire were used to collect data. Percentage analysis and Chi-Square statistical technique were employed.

Quiz Program as an Innovative Technique to Enhance Achievement in Science

Education has always been the sole directive of human endeavor and is a means for achieving not only the all-round development of child but also the progress of the society. Further, knowledge of science has become a necessity leading to the emergence of Science and Technology as an important school subject. Researcher are studying effectiveness of different teaching strategies. Quiz is one such strategy which is a form of game or mind sport in which player attempts to answer question correctly either individually or in team.

Dr. Ambedkarji’s View and suggestions on Higher Education

Education is the vital element for the development of society and human beings. Dr. Ambedkar highlights on higher education system. He said that the education in university should be society oriented. It should be scientific and away from prejudice, it should not be limited with the benefit of certain classes in society. University must have the power of discipline, rejection or approval of college. He believed that we must have management council, Senate, Academic council and various faculties of university.

Effectiveness of Yoga on Student’s Educational Achievement in the subject of Gujarati

To examine the effectiveness of yoga on the students of subjects Gujarati, the experiment was performed to the students from the class 9th, eleven classes three classes randomly selected and randomly 10 Boys and 10 girls from each class total 60 students. Those 60 students were known as the Experimental Group. The same way 60 students from the same class were selected as the controlled group. The students of the Experimental group were made to do yoga for 38 minutes up to 35 days. Then both groups were tested by giving them the same question paper of subject Gujarati and graded them.

Analysis of Batting Performance of Two Great Test Cricketers using Moving Average and Moving Range Control Charts with 3 control limits

The main objective of this paper is to illustrate the use of Moving Average (M.A) and Moving Range (M.R) control charts with 3δ control limits. These control charts are very useful for the data which are collected over a period of time. The M.A. chart monitors the process location over time, based on the average of the current subgroup and one or more prior subgroups. The M.R. chart monitors the process variation over time. These charts can be useful for evaluating the batting performance or bowling performance of the players in the game of cricket.

Effect Of Fermentation Time On The Physicochemical Properties Of Palm Oil

This study evaluated the effect of fermentation time on the physicochemical characteristics of palm oil. The palm fruits samples used were divided into two with each group being divided into four portions. One group was boiled during processing while the other group was not boiled. The two groups were evaluated and processed in batches separately, for three days, six days, twelve days and fourteen days of fermentation using traditional method of processing.