Structure of calcinated TiO2 has been examined by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) analysis. The formation of the single phase TiO2 was confirmed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and the structural parameters were refined by the Rietveld analysis. A good agreement between observed and calculated X-ray diffraction pattern was obtained from the Rietveld refinement using space group I 41/ amd. The calculated unit cell parameters are used to plot the structure.

A Software To Calculate Crystalline Size By Debye-Scherrer Formula Using VB.NET

X-Ray diffraction is a tool for the investigation of the fine structure of matter. Initially X-Ray diffraction was used only for the determination of crystal structure but now a days the data from X-ray diffraction have also been  used to determine the crystalline size using Debye-Scherrer formula.  Generally one has to deal with limited data because of laborious and time consuming manual methods of calculation. Sometime calculations with lots of data are required in order to determine different crystalline sizes for the statistical analysis or other applications.


More than three decades Schottky diodes (rectifying contacts) are widely used in power industry. It is a majority carrier device where minority carrier storage is usually not important. As a result Schottky device have very high switching speeds with minor forward voltage drop making them ideal for output stages of switching power supplies.  Here in this paper the In/p-Si Schottky diode showed non ideal I-V behaviour with an ideality factor 2.12. It may be thought a metal-interface layer-semiconductor (MIS) configuration.

A New Proof Of Menelaus's Theorem Of Hyperbolic Quadrilaterals In The Poincare Model Of Hyperbolic Geometry

In this study, we present a proof of the Menelaus theorem for quadrilaterals in hyperbolic geometry, and a proof for the transversal theorem for triangles.

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 51K05, 51M10

Performance Analysis For SNR Vs BER Of Optical System Using MLSE Equalizer With Different Modulation Technique

In This paper we present an analytical approach to evaluate the performance analysis of SNR V/s BER of Optical System using MLSE Equalizer in fiber channel through the BPSK, QPSK, 64QAM &16QAM Modulation Technique. Finally we are comparing BER performance in Optical system using MLSE Equalizer through the modulation technique.


Next to air and food, the other most important requirement for existence of mankind is water. Rapid growth in population and industrial development has made it difficult to survive on existing limited water resources. The complex geological formations have made it difficult to locate the large quantities of quality water resources. The surface water level is rapidly depleting and thus has made us rely more and more on ground water sources. DOWSING is the oldest method that is used to locate the ground water resources.

A Comparative Study Of Corporate Governance In Asia

Corporate Governance is the system of structural, procedural and cultural safeguards designed to ensure that a company is run in the long-term interests of its shareholders, as well as, other stakeholders. The Asian financial crisis of 1997-99, and the more recent corporate scandals have illustrated the importance of effective Corporate Governance systems and the linkage to business ethics throughout the world.  This study was undertaken to know whether the Asian countries follow Corporate Governance practices.

A Study Of Self-efficacy And Problem Behaviour In Relation To Academic Achievement Of Orthopedically Disabled And Able-bodied Students

The study examined the relationship of self-efficacy and problem behavior in relation to academic achievement of orthopedically disabled and able-bodied students. Participants were 200 students (100 orthopedically disabled and 100 able-bodied) selected from the inclusive and special schools of Haryana and Chandigarh. Data collected were analyzed using, Correlation, partial correlation and multiple correlations. Results show that self-efficacy positively correlated with academic achievement of orthopedically disabled and able-bodied students.

Effectiveness Of Multi-mediated Stories For Developing Language Skills In English

In the field of language teaching, educators have to struggle hard to find way to make language learning enjoyable for the learners. Different activities, games and fascinating stories have helped language teachers to accomplish this aim through many years and nowadays ‘CALL’ (Computer Assisted Language Learning – use of computers specifically for the purpose of learning language) – is in the air in language learning.

Emergence Of New Evaluation System For Education In The 21st Century

Merits and demerits of everything are always together. Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation system is heralding our education system into a new era. If implemented in its right form, it is really an innovative and vibrant approach to make studies less burdensome for students and inculcate learning in right way.  So we should try to implement it in better way.